Friday, April 21, 2017

4 types of clients to avoid..if u want to get succesfull.

Buyers, clients, customers, and all parties who use and pay for our products or services are the things that should take precedence. They are commonly referred to as "kings". Without them no matter how good the goods / services produced, will not get profits
However, not all "kings" can make a financial profit for us. In fact maybe make a loss. Therefore, before you decide to do business with your clients, find out your client's customs first, and make sure she does not have one of the following from four this characters.

No Respect for Personal Affairs
For example, at night or on holidays, the client contacts you either through a phone line or email with the subject of Call Me Now, Need to Speak Right Away, or Emergency. Clients like this should be avoided because it has not become a business partner alone is using personal time,

MicromanagerA good client will see you re as a co-worker. However, bad clients will usually make you as doormat or dumb labor that meets their needs.

Fannie Freebie.
 The job description sounds like a perfect fit. What an awesome opportunity! You can’t believe your good luck. To think that they would pay someone to do such a fun project and they have approached you! Wait one minute – where’s the pay? You scan the listing eagerly, only to discover that there is no pay at all. It turns out that Fannie Freebie is not hiring freelancers at all. She’s looking for volunteers.

The lowballer. Most freelancers have probably encountered this “client.” No matter what price you quote for their project, they know somebody else who will do the work for even less. “Is this your best price?” The lowballer interjects. “The market rate for this on XYZ site is [insert your quote less 50%].” My answer to the lowballer is always the same: this is a fair rate. If you can get the work done somewhere else cheaper, then go ahead and do it.

thats all, three types of clients to avoid if you do not want your business destroyed, thank you

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